
The SA Government is here to advocate for fellow students. These resources are the product of some recent projects designed to address student needs. We thrive on student feedback — start a petition and help us continue to make change happen!
For Students
Did you know Grab & Go was an SA initiative? Let us know how else we can help improve dining!
The SA Government can provide the use of a megaphone for individuals and student organizations during on campus demonstrations.
Readership Program
Want to keep up to date with world events? Get free access to the New York Times. (Limit 90 students per day)
SAD Lamp
We have secured seasonal affective disorder (SAD) lamps that available for short term lending for undergraduates.
We've partnered with 4.0 Storage to provide you with a 10% discount for your summer storage needs.
Shuttles and charters and buses, oh my! Check out some of the transportation and parking resources available on campus.
Safe Ride
Between 11 p.m. and 4 a.m, get picked up and dropped off from a various campus locations.