Building a Climbing Gym on Campus
Indoor rock climbing is rapidly increasing in popularity in the United States. Coincidentally, the Climbing Club at U of R has also been one of the fastest growing club sports as of late, essentially going from non-existent during COVID to approaching 300 members today. Undoubtedly, climbing at U of R would be even more popular if there was a wall on campus, making it easier to participate in.
There are two climbing gyms in Rochester: Central Rock Gym and RocVentures. Both gyms are accessible via bus and a short walk, but traveling to and from the gyms back to campus can take over an hour round trip. Putting a climbing gym on campus would make it much more accessible for both beginner climbers to try out the sport as well as experienced climbers be able to do their sport while managing time consuming schedules.
Climbing gyms on college and university campuses are increasingly becoming a norm across the country, such as the Red Barn at RIT and the Lindseth Climbing Center at Cornell. The University of Rochester should follow suit and build a climbing wall on campus to both improve life outside of academics as well as to make it easier for U of R students to go climbing.
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I know a lot of students who would love to participate in climbing and are deterred by the cost of a membership. A day pass is $22, which makes it difficult for people to try out the sport, and memberships are $50/month even with the Climbing Club's discount.
Amazing idea!!!!!
This is so common at other colleges and universities of all sizes and has been an impactful part of many of my friends' college experiences at other campuses. I'd love to see a wall on the River Campus!
An on-campus climbing wall would not only make the sport more accessible, but it would serve as a fun alternative for student fitness. Even with the discount at Central Rock the monthly pricing can be unsustainable for a college student's budget. P.S: Please add an adjustable kilterboard as well!!!!!
Adding a climbing wall to campus would make the sport more accessible, especially to students of low SES who love the sport but cannot afford the fees associated with local gyms. Adding a wall on campus will promote student fitness in an affordable and fun manner.
RIT has climbing gym!! We should too!! This is is really important!!!!!!!
It is also relevant to discuss the high cost associated with Central Rock Gym. I cannot speak for RocVentures, but Central Rock is still $50 per month after the discount. This can be a major barrier to students accessing the sport. Adding a climbing wall at U of R would enable more students to maintain a healthy habit.
It’s important for the UR community and exercise