Minutes 11/24/14

CHECK THIS OUT: Social media Updates!!

feeds will be added to website/facebook
->>follow us!

UDEL recruitment/visit:
-for future, when working with Universities – BME Department would want to be more involved
-would need better attendance at events
-contact grad students (master’s)
-suggest having a table in the atrium

UR Makers Faire Saturday Nov. 22nd, 10-4 PM
-went well! Justin stayed for 2 hours
-CDR – need to keep a list
-would want to have a whole table next year

Up coming events:
-Better attendance at undergraduate, still low attendance at graduate
-Friday Dec 5th, pizza right after BME 101 exam – Nuley
-Mentors should come at 12:40!!!

BME 101 Poster Session Talk
-during lab lecture on Friday Dec 5th
-right after pizza

Visiting school 29
-Friday Dec 5th 4:40 PM

Judging at 101 Poster Session: Friday Dec 12th 11:50 – 3:15
-will need judges
-will need prizes

Study Break:
-Monday Dec 15th, 8 PM Cinco de diciembre
-BME 239
-guacx4, salsa, queso, spinach
-bowls & spoons
-pinata, candy
-submit to study break list
-Justin work on poster
-Janet send email

-E-social Chair: Andrew Arjana
-will need a committee

-BOOKED. April 10th
-save the date!

RIT events:
-not enough money for social RIT this semester
-will have more next semester

-Click “Assessment” in the list, log onto CCC (make sure to SUBMIT the form)
-Dinner with RIT-
-Retinal Cup-Janet
-Mentoring Events – Caeli and Mary
-Matt Spielman is primary contact

1)acquired an ECG from the department, in storage room
-looking into getting it to work
-want to create a curriculum committee for outreach program possibly through STEM
-Visit School 29 on Friday Dec 5th, leave 4:40
-need at least 1 car! (Juniors and Stephanie should be free)
-will need electrodes
-meeting Art Salo (Sergio and Janet)
-make a google doc and have people edit it
2) On Campus tutoring/volunteering
-tutoring in Carlson through RSA: 12-4 PM
—would want a consistant number – 2-4 people to attend per weekend
—google sheet will be coming
-NSBE could use TAs for study hall (Janet will contact)
—7-10 PM
->>Sign ups: https://docs.google.com/a/u.rochester.edu/spreadsheets/d/1eZhyVDH1p_7_kcIIkR-CIB9cmwlSr6S9EOAoEby_7hw/edit?usp=sharing
3) Event for Children: January 29th 6:30 (set up labs & talk about BME)

NEWSLETTER: Articles to Sophie (xzhang73@u.rochester.edu) Due Dec. 13th – stuff envelopes 7 PM on Dec 15th
-mentoring events- Caeli and Mary
-RIT social-Stephanie
-Retinal Crown-Janet
-BME 101 poster session-Rachel& Kelly
-Outreach updates – Sergio
-senior design blurbs – Stephanie
-Maker Faire – Justin
-examples of articles: http://sa.rochester.edu/bmes/category/newsletters/

-Tank tops are in process
-quarter zips

-website updated!
-group picture – will need a formal picture

Weekly Meetings every Monday at 8 PM in Goergen 239.
Questions? Email Emily at ekwan@u.rochester.edu