Minutes 1/26/15

CHECK BMES OUT on Social Media:


feeds will be added to website/facebook
->>follow us!

BME Banquet: April 10th
-another save the date! ****
-invitations should go out by the end of next week
-food and tables need to be ordered

-Distillery for convenience to U of R Students
-ask SWE if they are interested
-Tenatively Thurs. Feb 5th
-no new updates, will contact RIT

E-Social: Friday, March 29th
-either in Goergen GYM (basketball thoughts) or Goergen Hall…
-BMES has food
-still need to get a budget
-Every Other Sunday at 4 PM

-working on selling remaining t-shirts
-quarter zips with BME logo: got a name of website to order
– will make mock up and send to waugh
-will send quote soon
-how many could we order?

Mentoring Program:
-Revamping it!
-grading of mentors/mentees?
-Phillip is here to help Mentoring Program
-Wednesday 1/27 6-6:45 PM Mentoring Training Program – send out a reminder email
-more structured
-“speed dating” event
-social during the first/second week of the semester

Social Events:
-kick off for the semester? either 2nd or 3rd February
-come with ideas! can be Valentine’s day themed
-super smash bros?
-pie a professor
-fire side chats with professors

General Interest Meeting: February 2nd
-7 PM in Goergen 101
-Nuley order Pizza
-meet in the Atrium at 7 PM!
-announce in classes!

Academic Events
-Vaccinex tour: 5 person tours
-EVENT: Out on a Limb Screening and discussion with speakers
-prosthetist? would like to have one to talk with us.
-or designer of prosthetics
-Craig Ronald: tour of company – The Gleason Works

NEWSLETTER: Articles to Sophie (xzhang73@u.rochester.edu)
-mentoring events
-RIT social
-examples of articles: http://sa.rochester.edu/bmes/category/newsletters/

College Diabetes Network Event: will cosponsor
-February 7th Sloan Auditorium 2-3 PM:
-Gretchen O’Dea – Diabetic that participated in the Iron Man Competition
-Who is going? Nitish, Emily

-Click “Assessment” in the list, log onto CCC (make sure to SUBMIT the form)
-Retinal Cup-Janet
-Mentoring Events – Caeli and Mary
-101 presentation skills lecture/mentoring event – Stephanie
-Study Break – Janet
-Matt Spielman is primary contact
-email Spielman if it’s been more than a month

1) On Campus tutoring/volunteering
-tutoring in Carlson through RSA 12-4 PM
-NSBE Study Hall Tuesdays—7-10 PM
->>Sign ups: https://docs.google.com/a/u.rochester.edu/spreadsheets/d/1eZhyVDH1p_7_kcIIkR-CIB9cmwlSr6S9EOAoEby_7hw/edit?usp=sharing
2) Rochester Explorer Post (Event for Children): January 29th 6:30 PM (set up labs & talk about BME)
-will need about 4-5 people
-Andrew contact Dr. Brown for equipment
-Kelly, Nitish (first hour), Stephanie, Emily (first hour), Andrew, James
-Kelly & Emily will set up the experiements at 12:30
3) Americorps: community service activities? Yes!
-want consistant members 3:30-5:30 (Tuesday, Thursday or Friday, 2 days a week)
-would also like workshop leaders to show introduction to our major
4) Contact schools to see if people want programs!
5) Host a drive for materials or goods – look into medical foundations

-February 9th
-10-10:50, 11-11:50
-sit down panel for GEAR students
-Questions about BME

-general interest meeting flyers/posts
-group picture – will need a formal picture

Weekly Meetings every Monday at 8 PM in Goergen 239.
Questions? Email Emily at ekwan@u.rochester.edu

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