-THURSDAY, November 13th, 2014: 11-12-Graduate, 5-6 PM-Undergraduate
-EPIC recruiment in Hirst 9-2 PM, 5-6 PM
Dinner with RIT (AiCHE, BMES, ESW) Review (11/6/14)
-well attended by RIT people
-65 total people
-hold next one at the distillery? -closer by would possibly get more attendance
-interest in holding BMES only social THIS semester?
-maybe hold an even larger event with all engineering groups
Retinal Crown Review (11/9/14)
-low attendance
-would want it on a Friday – for increased attendance and possible grad students/professors
-reserve ahead of time?
-trophy: They have the trophy
-work out the cost of the plaque with OSA
-Click “Assessment” in the list, log onto CCC (make sure to SUBMIT the form)
-Dinner with RIT-
-Retinal Cup-Janet
-Mentoring Events – Caeli and Mary
-Matt Spielman is primary contact
-THURSDAY November 13th, 2014: 11-12-Graduate, 5-6 PM-Undergraduate
-Pizza for undergraduate event!
-if you’re a mentor, contact your mentee!
-mentoring chairs will send a list of questions to ask!
-game night/trivia night? Tenatively Wednesday Dec 3rd 7 PM.
-push foodlink for next semester
-Family Science Day: Friday Nov 21st: ECG and Doppler
-acquired an ECG from the department!! – can create an outreach program through STEM
-other options: Upward Bound?
-tutoring in Carlson through RSA: 12-4 PM
-Sophie talk to coordinator
-NSBE could use TAs for study hall (Janet will contact)
-Event for Children: January 29th 6:30 (set up labs & talk about BME)
NEWSLETTER: Articles to Sophie ( – stuff envelopes during reading period
-mentoring events-
-RIT social-Stephanie
-Retinal Crown-Janet
-BME 101 poster session
-examples of articles:
-Sell tanktops for $12
-Bring copy of form to CLASS: Stephanie (seniors), Justin (Juniors), James (Sophomores), Kelly & Sarah (Freshman)
-inventory: ton of koozi, 48 shot glasses left, blankets are low (3 left), small shirts are low
-bumper stickers/laptop stickers
-window clings
-give form to Sandy in BME office – do NOT collect money. (James)
-link to pre-order online:
-need more pictures
-group picture – send email to Emily Brideau for Year Book
-department wide event catered by Meliora Catering
-superlative awards
-booking the atrium -friday April 3 or 10
-Janet will confirm with Waugh and Dalecki
UDEL recruitment/visit:
-Tuesday, Nov. 18th
-Both events in Goergen 239
-12:30-2:30 (with pizza)
-UDEL Grad students (one from UR)
-will be advertising graduate program – have a new PhD program
EPIC (BME Software company)
-coming on November 11th
-tabling from 9-2 in Hirst Lounge
-info session from 5-6 in Goergen 108
-flyers are up!
UR Makers
-asked to participate in Makers Fair Nov. 22nd, 10-4 PM
-downtown Rochester Riverside Convention Center
-building, music, art, engineering etc
-want BMES to have representatives at booth
-could do shifts? will arrange transportation?
-could use 201P project from this year or last year
-current interest: Justin D, Janet S
Policy and Review
-meeting with them soon
-will pick a date for next week
Weekly Meetings every Monday at 8 PM in Goergen 239.
Questions? Email Emily at