Current Members: Please send in your BMES ID Numbers to Justin!
For those who don’t have BMES ID Numbers: Please obtain a student account on the BMES Website and send your number to Justin if you want to attend the BMES conference this fall!
Come to Design Day this Friday at 10:30 am in the Goergen Field House!!!
COME TO THE BME STUDY BREAK! This Friday at 7! Check the FB event for details.
CHECK BMES OUT on Social Media:
Tweets by BMES_UR
BMES Study Break!
May 1st
Cinco De Mayo Themed
Purchase a Piñata
We also will be handing out the leftover Freshman-Finals-Survival-Kits
Next Semester
Bowling Social – a Sunday – get X number of lanes
Assassin event within BME
BME Merchandise will be sold at graduation!
Quarter Zips
Looking to do them next semester, not this semester.
Social Media:
Calendar will be up to date for the fall semester
Pictures are going up
The new newsletter will be going up
Mentoring Program:
Freshman Survival Guide!
Look into doing some sort of mentor community – let students know that they can attend events even if their mentors are not present
Possible Mentor info session to get more mentors involved
Workshop for Mentoring Committee and what everyone wants – sometime mid-April
Academic Events:
Support your seniors, come to Senior Design Day this Friday!
Vaccinex tour: Recap
Went very well!
Would like to do more academic tours in the future
Potential Stem Cell Industry Tour – Latest by next semester
STEM Family Science Day Recap:
Yay! Went well
FoodLink – Recap
4 People went!
It went well!
On Campus tutoring/volunteering
-NSBE Study Hall Tuesdays—7-10 PM
->>Sign ups: Here
Still looking into other schools to work with – late April/May
Last Monday of every month – College Diabetes Network – help out with their events with patients from Strong
Send out Doodle Poll for the April 18th FoodLink date
IEEE event – teaching elementary school students how to build an Atari Noisemaker
April 29th, 1-3:30 pm at the Pittsford Elementary School
Articles have been written, we will be envelope stuffing THIS FRIDAY! Get excited guys
Mentoring events – Mary & Taryn – after deadline
Rochester Explorer Post (Event for Children) – Kelly
RIT social – Justin
Advertisement for banquet – Janet
Career Info Session – Sophie
Senior design stuff – Stephanie
examples of articles: Here
Assessment of Events:
Complete assessment here
Click “Assessment” in the list, log onto CCC (make sure to SUBMIT the form)
For people doing assessments, copy your newsletter article and put it in as your assessment!
Rochester Explorer Post (Event for Children)
Academic Event on internships and career center
Matt Spielman is primary contact
Email Spielman if it’s been more than a month
Orientation Event:
Physics 101 Crash Course
Will happen during first week of classes
The Monday night that classes start
We need to figure out when the basic math assessment is
Every engineer has to take this test
Talk to Matt Spielman about this
General Meeting:
Look out for a general meeting next semester!
Weekly Meetings every Monday at 8 PM in Goergen 239.
Questions? Email Anisha at