Minutes from 10/27/14

CONCENTRATION PANEL: Tuesday October 28th 8-9 PM Goergen 109

For Sophomores (and Freshman) to help them pick a concentration
-1 sheet pizza (Nuley)
-Goergen 109 (Emily -Book)
-Stephanie (biomechanics)
-Justin & Jenny Park (cell and Tissue)
-Jon Macoskey & Emma Gira (Signals)
-Emmanuel (optics)
-FLYER for Concentration panel
-Send out an email now!

RETINAL CROWN: Dodgeball Game between BME & Optics
-Sunday, November 9th 2-4 PM (date has changed)
-have sign ups in Mid October
-need release forms
-confirm if MERT is reserved with Jojo
-Trophy/plate will be ordered by end of week
-will have pizza afterwards
-Justin make a flyer, share with optics
-send an email out with a sign up form, send out by end of week

-Click “Assessment” in the list, log onto CCC (make sure to SUBMIT the form)
-101: Justin
-picnic: Janet
-alumni panel: Stephanie
-laser tag: Janet
-mentoring event: Caeli and Mary
-Matt Spielman is primary contact

E-SOCIAL (Engineering Social) Friday, Oct 31st 2:30-5 PM
-Engineering groups are all co-sponsoring
-ASME Pumpkin Launch (3-5)
-food will be in Retner, events outside Wilson Commons
-tables & chairs AND event support is booked!
-speakers for inside/outside: Kelly will make spotify Music playlist share with Sergio/Stephanie. Get Stephanie’s Computer to set up!
-ask about fabrication lab space for NSBE Pumpkin Carving – still pending
-posters are coming

-checking with Taimi to see if we can get funding to purchase equipment
-Nov. 21st Family Science Day: Friday? details to come.

-info from conference
-industry and alumni E-mentoring
-set up by next semester
-talk to Lerner about alumni list
-mentoring workshop: mentors are taught how to mentor!
-have crafts/games/activities for mentors/mentees
-send questions to mentors/mentees to ask
-November 13th, 2014: 11-12-Graduate, 5-6 PM-Undergraduate
-game night/trivia night? Tenatively Wednesday Dec 3rd 7 PM.

DINNER WITH RIT: BME & AiChE & ESW (6 clubs!)
-Thursday, 7-9 Nov. 6th
-MacGregors night!
-sign up: https://docs.google.com/a/u.rochester.edu/forms/d/1yz7Kupd3R7cDLAt9asLqCAX35xjSolKEy_Wdj68TvN4/viewform
-will confirm details next week!

Food Link
-Wednesday 1 AM – freshman will be available
-Thursday 9 AM
-Friday 9 AM
-will pick a date in next two weeks

NEWSLETTER: Articles to Sophie (xzhang73@u.rochester.edu) by TODAY, Monday October 27th
-Newsletter sent out by first week of Nov.
-Picnic (Janet)
-Panel & Froyo/Mentoring Social (Elizabeth S)
-Physics 101 (Ariel L)
-Conference (Emily)
-Alumni Panel (Kelly)
-Pie Eating Contest (Caeli)
-Letter from the President (Stephanie)
-Laser Tag (Janet)
-examples of articles: http://sa.rochester.edu/bmes/category/newsletters/

-tanktop design is selected
-Blue shirt with white text
-confirm with Waugh
-inventory check: blankets and shot glasses may be running low (Kelly & Raul)
-have physical sign up sheets: 1 per class + 1 in BME office
-put picture of shirt on form

BME graduates visiting:
-during week of Nov. 17th
-UDEL Grad students
-will be advertising graduate program
-more details to come!

Weekly Meetings every Monday at 8 PM in Goergen 239.
Questions? Email Emily at ekwan@u.rochester.edu

Minutes from 10/20/14

ALUMNI PANEL: Sat. Oct 18th @ 4 PM in LeChase
-overall response was very good
-decent crowd – ~ 60 people
-good event to have every year
-Email Your Alum a follow up thank you
-thank Dr. Lerner for co-organizing and moderating

CONCENTRATION PANEL: Tuesday October 28th 8-9 PM
-pizza (Nuley)
-Goergen 109 (Emily -Book)
-Stephanie (ask Stacie)
-Emily will find signals and systems people
-FLYER for Concentration panel
-Send out an email now!

-went well!
-17 people!
-12 people for dinner after
-suggestion to have Laser Tag vs RIT for next semester?

RETINAL CROWN: Dodgeball Game between BME & Optics
-November 8th 2-3 PM
-meet with Optics November 3rd to get estimates of who is going
-have sign ups in Mid October
-Jojo will get the Gym Reserved & MERT
-Find a trophy that’s nice and under budget (Janet)
-will have pizza afterwards
-Justin make a flyer, share with optics
-send an email out with a sign up form
ASSISTING WITH DR. LERNER’S Video Conference Calls
When are students available for Career Conversations? (Alex will create a doodle/form this week)
-afternoon and evening on weekdays
-about an hour long

-Click “Assessment” in the list, log onto CCC (make sure to SUBMIT the form)
-101: Justin
-picnic: Janet
-alumni panel: Stephanie
-laser tag: Janet
-mentoring event: Caeli and Mary

E-SOCIAL (Engineering Social) Friday, Oct 31st 2:30-5 PM
-Engineering groups are all co-sponsoring
-ASME Pumpkin Launch (3-5): wanna join the BMES TEAM? (contact Justin S. jschuma5@u.rochester.edu)
-food will be in Retner, events outside Wilson Commons
-estimated ~350 in waves
-Event Support: need Tables and Chairs for eating and other activities, music system
-ask about fabrication lab space for NSBE Pumpkin Carving (Emily)
-posters are coming

-checking with Taimi to see if we can get funding to purchase equipment
-Nov. 21st Family Science Day: Friday? details to come.

-Grad event: even though it was the “best time”, only 1 grad mentor showed up.
-moving grad mentor events to lunch time?
-Undergrad time will be moved.

-Thursday, 7-9 Nov. 6th

NEWSLETTER: Articles to Sophie (xzhang73@u.rochester.edu) by Monday October 27th
-Newsletter sent out by first week of Nov.
-Picnic (Janet)
-Panel & Froyo/Mentoring Social (Elizabeth S)
-Physics 101 (Ariel L)
-Conference (Emily)
-Alumni Panel (Kelly)
-Pie Eating Contest (Caeli)
-Letter from the President (Stephanie)
-Laser Tag (Janet)
-examples of articles: http://sa.rochester.edu/bmes/category/newsletters/

-tanktop design is selected
-color options will be sent out asap
-inventory check: blankets and shot glasses may be running low (Kelly & Raul)
-sales from last week went well
-needs to be approved by BME department – ask Waugh

Weekly Meetings every Monday at 8 PM in Goergen 239.
Questions? Email Emily at ekwan@u.rochester.edu

Minutes 10/06/14

TABLING IN WILSON COMMONS Wed 10/15, Thurs 10/16

-Sign up for shifts: http://doodle.com/9up6zb838bqwxdm6
-1 hour shifts but can sign up for multiple!
-Wednesday is on 2nd floor, Thursday on 1st floor

1) BME Department Open house: Friday Oct. 17th 3-5 PM
-in Goergen
-Stephanie will set up
-Tabling: 3-4 PM: Kelly & Alessandra, 4-5: Raul, Andrew

2) ALUMNI PANEL: Sat. Oct 18th @ 4 PM in LeChase
-1 in academia, 2 in industry, 1 in medicine (from class of 2003)
-Dr. Lerner will be moderator
-Meet Alumni at 3:15!
-networking recpetion after the panel
-Mike Springer – Justin D.
-Julie Czupryna – Caeli Q.
-Michelle Sandrian – Emily K.
-Chuck Welliver – Nuley S.
-Hand out Programs: Kelly & Raul
-Email Your Alum: ask what time they are coming to campus, do they want parking passes in their welcome packet or to meet them, Send them a photo of yourself so they can find you
-thank you gifts: Blankets & Mugs- Stephanie (candy! – Emily)
-advertisements: will be up tomorrow! Justin will send out emails this week to entire BME department
-think of questions before hand
-THIS WEEK: Wednesday-Friday: Announcements in class and tell them to sign up on Mel Weekend Website
-WRUR – Justin will ask about WRUR to broadcast it

CONCENTRATION PANEL: October, Wednesday 29th 7-8 PM
-Goergen 109 (Emily -Book)
-select people for panel

-Raul (misc.) and Andrew (flyer hanging/printing)

-Laser Tag: Tenatively, Friday 5:15 PM October 10th
-meet at 5:15 PM in Goergen
-~$8.50 per person per game
-Janet call to confirm – tell Justin S. Print flyers and send out email to BME!
-if people have cars, let someone know.
-Justin make a preliminary flyer!
-Advertise in classes!!

RETINAL CROWN: Dodgeball Game between BME & Optics
-November 8th 2-3 PM
-meet with Optics November 3rd
-have sign ups in Mid October
-Jojo will get the Gym Reserved & MERT
-Janet will look into Trophies
-will have pizza afterwards
-Justin D. will be singing the national anthem

ASSISTING WITH DR. LERNER’S Video Conference Calls
When are students available for Career Conversations? (Alex will create a doodle/form this week)
-afternoon and evening on weekdays
-about an hour long

-Click “Assessment” in the list, log onto CCC (make sure to SUBMIT the form)
-101: Justin
-Panel & Froyo: Caeli & Mary
-picnic: Janet

-must get shirt approved by BME department
-still working on design

-find money for supplies: ECG (student edition) about $500
-Nuley – see if we can have more money for supplies
-standalone vs hook up to computer

E-SOCIAL (Engineering Social) Friday, Oct 31st 2:30-5 PM
-Engineering groups are all co-sponsoring
-ASME Pumpkin Launch (3-5): wanna join the BMES TEAM? (contact Justin S. <jschuma5@u.rochester.edu>)
-food will be in Retner, events outside Wilson Commons
-Retner is booked!
-estimated ~350 in waves
-Event Support: need Tables and Chairs for eating and other activities, music system
-Janet: ask other groups what they may need

-checking with Taimi to see if we can get funding to purchase equipment
-Nov. 21st Family Science Day: Friday? details to come.

-Thurs. Oct 16th: Undergrad event 11-1 PM, Grad Mentoring Event 5-6 PM (second floor lounge)
-Thurs. Nov. 13th: Undergrad event 11-1 PM, Grad Mentoring Event 5-6 PM (second floor lounge)
-flyers needed -Justin

-Thursday, 7-9 Nov. 6th

NEWSLETTER: Articles to Sophie (xzhang73@u.rochester.edu) by Monday October 27th
-Newsletter sent out by first week of Nov.
-Picnic (Janet)
-Panel & Froyo/Mentoring Social (Elizabeth S)
-Physics 101 (Ariel L)
-Conference (Emily)
-Alumni Panel (TBD)
-Pie Eating Contest (Caeli)
-Letter from the President (Stephanie)
-Laser Tag (TBD)
-examples of articles: http://sa.rochester.edu/bmes/category/newsletters/

NO MEETING NEXT WEEK due to Fall Break
Weekly Meetings every Monday at 8 PM in Goergen 239.
Questions? Email Emily at ekwan@u.rochester.edu