Minutes 4.27.2015

Current Members: Please send in your BMES ID Numbers to Justin!
For those who don’t have BMES ID Numbers: Please obtain a student account on the BMES Website and send your number to Justin if you want to attend the BMES conference this fall!
Come to Design Day this Friday at 10:30 am in the Goergen Field House!!!
COME TO THE BME STUDY BREAK! This Friday at 7! Check the FB event for details.

CHECK BMES OUT on Social Media:



BMES Study Break!
May 1st
Cinco De Mayo Themed
Purchase a Piñata
We also will be handing out the leftover Freshman-Finals-Survival-Kits
Next Semester
Bowling Social – a Sunday – get X number of lanes
Assassin event within BME

BME Merchandise will be sold at graduation!
Quarter Zips
Looking to do them next semester, not this semester.

Social Media:
Calendar will be up to date for the fall semester
Pictures are going up
The new newsletter will be going up

Mentoring Program:
Freshman Survival Guide!
Look into doing some sort of mentor community – let students know that they can attend events even if their mentors are not present
Possible Mentor info session to get more mentors involved
Workshop for Mentoring Committee and what everyone wants – sometime mid-April

Academic Events:
Support your seniors, come to Senior Design Day this Friday!
Vaccinex tour: Recap
Went very well!
Would like to do more academic tours in the future
Potential Stem Cell Industry Tour – Latest by next semester

STEM Family Science Day Recap:
Yay! Went well
FoodLink – Recap
4 People went!
It went well!
On Campus tutoring/volunteering
-NSBE Study Hall Tuesdays—7-10 PM
->>Sign ups: Here
Still looking into other schools to work with – late April/May
Last Monday of every month – College Diabetes Network – help out with their events with patients from Strong
Send out Doodle Poll for the April 18th FoodLink date
IEEE event – teaching elementary school students how to build an Atari Noisemaker
April 29th, 1-3:30 pm at the Pittsford Elementary School

Articles have been written, we will be envelope stuffing THIS FRIDAY! Get excited guys
Mentoring events – Mary & Taryn – after deadline
Rochester Explorer Post (Event for Children) – Kelly
RIT social – Justin
Advertisement for banquet – Janet
Career Info Session – Sophie
Senior design stuff – Stephanie
examples of articles: Here

Assessment of Events:
Complete assessment here
Click “Assessment” in the list, log onto CCC (make sure to SUBMIT the form)
For people doing assessments, copy your newsletter article and put it in as your assessment!
Rochester Explorer Post (Event for Children)
Academic Event on internships and career center
Matt Spielman is primary contact
Email Spielman if it’s been more than a month

Orientation Event:
Physics 101 Crash Course
Will happen during first week of classes
The Monday night that classes start
We need to figure out when the basic math assessment is
Every engineer has to take this test
Talk to Matt Spielman about this

General Meeting:
Look out for a general meeting next semester!

Weekly Meetings every Monday at 8 PM in Goergen 239.
Questions? Email Anisha at akhosla@u.rochester.edu

Minutes 4.20.15

Biomedical Engineering Society Minutes


  • Current Members: Please send in your BMES ID Numbers to Justin!
  • For those who don’t have BMES ID Numbers: Please obtain a student account on the BMES Website and send your number to Justin if you want to attend the BMES conference this fall!
  • Newsletter Articles are due THIS SUNDAY at 8:00 pm!

CHECK BMES OUT on Social Media:


  • BMES Study Break!
    • May 1st
    • Cinco De Mayo Themed
    • Purchase a Piñata
    • We also will be handing out the leftover Freshman-Finals-Survival-Kits
    • Next Semester
  • Bowling Social – a Sunday – get X number of lanes
  • Assassin event within BME


  • Quarter Zips
    • Looking to do them next semester, not this semester.
  • Tank tops will be sold at the Banquet

Social Media:

  • No new updates at this time.

Mentoring Program:

  • Freshman Survival Guide is in the works
    • Planned to talk to mentors at the beginning of next semester
    • Wednesday, April 8th 6:30 (tentative)
  • Look into doing some sort of mentor community – let students know that they can attend events even if their mentors are not present
  • Possible Mentor info session to get more mentors involved
  • If we want to have an orientation event – must plan early!! and contact Matt Spielman
    • Workshop for Mentoring Committee and what everyone wants – sometime mid-April

Academic Events:

  • Vaccinex tour: Recap
    • Went very well!
  • Would like to do more academic tours in the future
  • Potential Stem Cell Industry Tour – Latest by next semester


  • STEM Family Science Day Recap:
    • Yay! Went well
  • FoodLink – Recap
    • 4 People went!
    • It went well!
  • On Campus tutoring/volunteering
    • -NSBE Study Hall Tuesdays—7-10 PM
      • ->>Sign ups: Here
  • Still looking into other schools to work with – late April/May
  • Last Monday of every month – College Diabetes Network – help out with their events with patients from Strong
  • IEEE event – teaching elementary school students how to build an Atari Noisemaker
    • April 29th, 1-3:30 pm at the Pittsford Elementary School



Articles to Arun – April 26th by 8:00 pm due 

  • Mentoring events – Mary & Taryn – after deadline
  • Rochester Explorer Post (Event for Children) – Kelly
  • RIT social – Justin
  • Advertisement for banquet – Janet
  • Career Info Session – Sophie
  • Senior design stuff – Stephanie
  • examples of articles: Here

Assessment of Events:

  • Complete assessment here
  • Click “Assessment” in the list, log onto CCC (make sure to SUBMIT the form)
  • For people doing assessments, copy your newsletter article and put it in as your assessment!
  • Rochester Explorer Post (Event for Children) 
  • Academic Event on internships and career center
  • Matt Spielman is primary contact
  • Email Spielman if it’s been more than a month

Orientation Event:

  • Physics 101 Crash Course
    • Try to co-sponsor with Tau Beta Pi – they have been emailed
    • If we cant get it for orientation, we will do it the first or second day of school
    • Every engineer has to take this test
    • Talk to Matt Spielman about this

General Meeting:

Look out for a general meeting next semester!

Weekly Meetings every Monday at 8 PM in Goergen 239.

Questions? Email Anisha at akhosla@u.rochester.edu

Minutes 4.13.15

Biomedical Engineering Society Minutes


  • Come to Family STEM Day this Saturday! Link here
  • FoodLink This Saturday morning!!! Link here

CHECK BMES OUT on Social Media:





Banquet Recap –

  • Banquet went very well!
  • Thank you so much to Janet for coordinating the whole thing!
  • Janet is in charge of the assessment for the Banquet.

Car Bash –

  • Not happening anymore
  • The funding fell through, so the Car Bash is no longer happening.
  • Look forward to it NEXT semester!

BMES Study Break!

  • Date: May 1st at 7:00 pm
  • Cinco De Mayo Themed!
  • Stuffing envelopes starts around 6 or 6:30 pm.

Things to Look Forward To!

  • Bowling Social – a Sunday – get X number of lanes
  • no potential good dates between now and the end of the semester
  • Possibly combine it with mentoring, in the fall!
  • Assassin event within BME


  • Quarter Zips
  • Looking to do them next semester, not this semester.
  • Tank tops will be sold at the Banquet

Mentoring Program:

  • Freshman Survival Guide is in the works
  • Tons of Freshman Survival Guides are made
  • Mentors will be given to their menses directly
  • Workshop for Mentoring Committee and what everyone wants – sometime mid-April
  • Summer poll will be sent out

Website/Social Media:

  • Working on LinkedIn page
  • Looking to link Twitter with Facebook
  • Instagram is in the works – Caeli has control
  • Make sure the airmail links stop happening in the minutes – oops…

Academic Events:

  • EVENT: Out on a Limb Screening and discussion with speakers 
  • April 13th 7-8 PM before meeting – NEXT MONDAY!
  • Student Travel Award is due May 31st
  • for BMES Annual Conference
  • The Undergraduate Student Design Competition – 2015
  • Taimi will send out details
  • due in May of 2015
  • Submit some sort of design proposal
  • good idea for Senior Design Teams to look into
  • Vaccinex tour: 5-6 person tours (2) on Mt Hope Ave. 
  • 2 dates, 2:30-5 Tuesday or Thursday, 2:30-5 on Friday – April 14, 16, 17 
  • Likely we will get Tuesday and Thursday
  • Already filled up
  • Dates: April 14th (Tuesday), April 16th (Thursday)
  • Will give description of bioprocess engineering
  • Matt Spielman/ SA is interested in showing academic movies
  • Video called “Fixed” – about human enhancement
  • March 19th 7 PM Gowan Room
  • Potential Stem Cell Industry Tour – Latest by next semester


  • STEM Family Science Day THIS SATURDAY!  – ECG, Doppler
  • Fill out this Doodle: Here
  • April 18th at 9 am until 12.
  • Be at Goergen at 8:30 am
  • Sign up here
  • On Campus tutoring/volunteering
  • -NSBE Study Hall Tuesdays—7-10 PM
  • ->>Sign ups: Here
  • Still looking into other schools to work with – late April/May
  • Last Monday of every month – College Diabetes Network – help out with their events with patients from Strong
  • Send out Doodle Poll for the April 18th FoodLink date


  • Let us know if you’re interested
  • Articles due by the beginning of Reading Period
  • Banquet – Janet
  • Smash Bros – Justin S.
  • Elections – will be done
  • Prospective Students Event – Mary or Justin
  • E-Social – Andrew
  • Mentoring Article – Taryn
  • Senior Design Article – Stephanie
  • STEM Day – Kelly
  • Examples of articles: Here

Assessment of Events:

  • We need to do a Chapter Development Report – Due June 1st
  • Complete assessment here
  • Click “Assessment” in the list, log onto CCC (make sure to SUBMIT the form)
  • Banquet – Janet
  • Smash Bros – Justin S.
  • Mentoring – Taryn
  • Rochester Explorer Post (Event for Children) 
  • Academic Event on internships and career center
  • Matt Spielman is primary contact
  • Email Spielman if it’s been more than a month

Orientation Event:

  • Physics 101 Crash Course
  • Try to co-sponsor with Tau Beta Pi – they have been emailed
  • no response yet
  • deadline for application is the 24th
  • Every engineer has to take this test
  • Talk to Matt Spielman about this

General Meeting:

  • Look out for a general meeting next semester!

Weekly Meetings every Monday at 8 PM in Goergen 239.

Questions? Email Anisha at akhosla@u.rochester.edu

Minutes 4.6.15

Biomedical Engineering Society Minutes


  • Fill out the doodle about attending STEM Family Science Day next Saturday! Located here
  • Out on a Limb Screening and discussion with speakers 
  • April 13th 7-8 PM before meeting – NEXT MONDAY!
  • Vaccinex Tours next week on Tuesday and Thursday!!!!
  • Priority goes to upperclassmen, check the doodle that was emailed out for details

CHECK BMES OUT on Social Media:





Banquet Updates – THIS FRIDAY AT 5:30 PM!

  • Sign up sheets will go around in classes – YOU CAN PAY WITH DECLINING!!!!!!! (So everyone should sign up)
  • Join the Facebook Event!
  • Senior class gifts are given out at the banquet, so seniors should attend
  • Tickets will be sold at the door (cash only)
  • Online sign up: Here
  • Selling BME stuff at banquet (cash only) 

E-Social – Recap

  • E-Social was good, quite long

Car Bash – Co-Hosting

  • Marina needs someone to loan her their car so that she can go to a junkyard and find a car OR donate their time and their car, and go with her to bring the car back to campus.
  • Will cost $800 – strip car, bring it here, tow it away
  • Our contribution will be: sending members and giving money
  • We probably will charge for a certain amount of time
  • Tentative Date: April 15th

Super Smash Brothers Tournament – Recap

  • “Awesome”

BMES Study Break!

  • Tentative Date: May 1st
  • Cinco De Mayo Themed again

Bowling Social – a Sunday – get X number of lanes

Assassin event within BME


  • Quarter Zips
  • Looking to do them next semester, not this semester.
  • Tank tops will be sold at the Banquet

Mentoring Program:

  • Some sort of Freshman Survival Guide is in the works
  • Wednesday, April 8th 6:30 (tentative)
  • Emails will be sent out by the end of this week
  • Possible Mentor info session to get more mentors involved
  • if we want to have an orientation event – must plan early!! and contact Matt Spielman
  • Workshop for Mentoring Committee and what everyone wants – sometime mid-April

Academic Events:

  • EVENT: Out on a Limb Screening and discussion with speakers 
  • April 13th 7-8 PM before meeting – NEXT MONDAY!
  • Vaccinex tour: 5-6 person tours (2) on Mt Hope Ave. 
  • 2 dates, 2:30-5 Tuesday or Thursday, 2:30-5 on Friday – April 14, 16, 17 
  • Likely we will get Tuesday and Thursday
  • Already filled up
  • Dates: April 14th (Tuesday), April 16th (Thursday)
  • Will give description of bioprocess engineering
  • Matt Spielman/ SA is interested in showing academic movies
  • Video called “Fixed” – about human enhancement
  • March 19th 7 PM Gowan Room
  • Potential Stem Cell Industry Tour – Latest by next semester


  • STEM Family Science Day THIS SATURDAY!  – ECG, Doppler
  • Fill out this Doodle: Here
  • On Campus tutoring/volunteering
  • -NSBE Study Hall Tuesdays—7-10 PM
  • ->>Sign ups: Here
  • FoodLink –
  • Two people attended
  • In the future, people should really go to these things
  • Another FoodLink Event on April 18th at 9 am until 12.
  • Be at Goergen at 8:30 am
  • Still looking into other schools to work with – late April/May
  • Last Monday of every month – College Diabetes Network – help out with their events with patients from Strong
  • Send out Doodle Poll for the April 18th FoodLink date


  • Let us know if you’re interested
  • Articles to Sophie (xzhang73@u.rochester.edu) – March 2nd due -Email out during Spring Break
  • Mentoring events – Mary & Taryn – after deadline
  • Rochester Explorer Post (Event for Children) – Kelly
  • RIT social – Justin
  • Advertisement for banquet – Janet
  • Career Info Session – Emily/Sophie
  • Senior design stuff? 
  • Interview Professor Brown on 101 – Janet and Sophie
  • examples of articles: Here

Assessment of Events:

  • Complete assessment here
  • Click “Assessment” in the list, log onto CCC (make sure to SUBMIT the form)
  • Rochester Explorer Post (Event for Children) 
  • Academic Event on internships and career center
  • Matt Spielman is primary contact
  • Email Spielman if it’s been more than a month

Orientation Event:

  • Physics 101 Crash Course
  • Try to co-sponsor with Tau Beta Pi – they have been emailed
  • Every engineer has to take this test
  • Talk to Matt Spielman about this

General Meeting:

Look out for a general meeting next semester!

Weekly Meetings every Monday at 8 PM in Goergen 239.

Questions? Email Anisha at akhosla@u.rochester.edu

Minutes 3.30.15

Biomedical Engineering Society Minutes


Make sure you sign up for the Annual BME Banquet! You can pay in Declining!!!

Look out for the Doodle for our FoodLink event on April 18th!

CHECK BMES OUT on Social Media:





Banquet Updates

  • Sign up sheets will go around in classes – YOU CAN PAY WITH DECLINING!!!!!!! (So everyone should sign up)
  • Join the Facebook Event!
  • Freshmen will get the sheet in either CHM 132 or PHY 121
  • Senior class gifts are given out at the banquet, so seniors should attend
  • Tickets will be sold at the door (cash only)
  • Gag gifts – need to be accumulated in one place by next Monday
  • Online sign up: Here
  • Vote for senior superlatives & professor of the year BY THE END OF THIS WEEK: Here
  • Will send emails to top 3 in each category
  • Selling BME stuff at banquet (cash only) 

E-Social – Recap

  • E-Social was good, quite long

Car Bash

  • Marina needs someone to loan her their car so that she can go to a junkyard and find a car OR donate their time and their car, and go with her to bring the car back to campus.
  • Will cost $800 – strip car, bring it here, tow it away
  • Our contribution will be: sending members and giving money
  • We probably will charge for a certain amount of time
  • Tentative Date: April 15th

Super Smash Brothers Tournament – Recap

  • “Awesome”

BMES Study Break!

  • Tentative Date: May 1st
  • Cinco De Mayo Themed again

Bowling Social – a Sunday – get X number of lanes

Assassin event within BME


  • Quarter Zips – finding out more information to get finalized
  • Custom Ink will do them
  • We need to know how many we want, design, etc.
  • We will have a price quote by Friday
  • They will take a week to get them for us
  • We can potentially have them for the Banquet
  • Ask for about 35-40
  • Tank tops will be sold at the Banquet


Mentoring Program:

  • Wednesday, April 8th 6:30 (tentative)
  • Emails will be sent out by the end of this week
  • Possible Mentor info session to get more mentors involved
  • if we want to have an orientation event – must plan early!! and contact Matt Spielman
  • Workshop for Mentoring Committee and what everyone wants – sometime mid-April

Academic Events:

  • internship session: helpful/useful – try to host another one middle/end of Fall semester and Spring semester 
  • Vaccinex tour: 5-6 person tours (2) on Mt Hope Ave. 
  • 2 dates, 2:30-5 Tuesday or Thursday, 2:30-5 on Friday – April 14, 16, 17 
  • Likely we will get Tuesday and Thursday
  • Dates: April 14th (Tuesday), April 16th (Thursday)
  • Will give description of bioprocess engineering
  • EVENT: Out on a Limb Screening and discussion with speakers 
  • April 13th 7-8 PM before meeting
  • Matt Spielman/ SA is interested in showing academic movies
  • Video called “Fixed” – about human enhancement
  • March 19th 7 PM Gowan Room
  • Potential Stem Cell Industry Tour – Latest by next semester


  • On Campus tutoring/volunteering
  • -NSBE Study Hall Tuesdays—7-10 PM
  • ->>Sign ups: Here
  • FoodLink –
  • Two people attended
  • In the future, people should really go to these things
  • Another FoodLink Event on April 18th at 9 am until 12.
  • Be at Goergen at 8:30 am
  • STEM Family Science Day (April 18th)  – ECG, Doppler
  • Still looking into other schools to work with – late April/May
  • Last Monday of every month – College Diabetes Network – help out with their events with patients from Strong
  • Send out Doodle Poll for the April 18th FoodLink date


  • Let us know if you’re interested
  • Articles to Sophie (xzhang73@u.rochester.edu) – March 2nd due -Email out during Spring Break
  • Mentoring events – Mary & Taryn – after deadline
  • Rochester Explorer Post (Event for Children) – Kelly
  • RIT social – Justin
  • Advertisement for banquet – Janet
  • Career Info Session – Emily/Sophie
  • Senior design stuff? 
  • Interview Professor Brown on 101 – Janet and Sophie
  • examples of articles: Here

Assessment of Events:

  • Complete assessment here
  • Click “Assessment” in the list, log onto CCC (make sure to SUBMIT the form)
  • Rochester Explorer Post (Event for Children) 
  • Academic Event on internships and career center
  • Matt Spielman is primary contact
  • Email Spielman if it’s been more than a month

Orientation Event:

  • Physics 101 Crash Course
  • Try to co-sponsor with Tau Beta Pi
  • Every engineer has to take this test
  • Talk to Matt Spielman about this

General Meeting:

  • Look out for a general meeting next semester!

Weekly Meetings every Monday at 8 PM in Goergen 239.

Questions? Email Anisha at akhosla@u.rochester.edu

Minutes 3/16/15


Check out minutes here: http://sa.rochester.edu/bmes/322015/
“Fixed” Screening: March 19th 7 PM Gowen Room
-about human enhancement!
Food Link Volunteering Saturday 3/21: Sign up: http://doodle.com/dtk99t83cvm8meca
CHECK BMES OUT on Social Media:
BME Banquet: April 10th
-cake, soda, ice, and flowers picked up the day of
-cake is ordered!
-personal emails to professors were sent!
-need center pieces, table clothes
-advertisements last week in March
-Facebook event
-paper sign ups in class next week/week after
-pay with declining or cash
-awards: gag gifts!
-will send emails to top 3 in each category
-selling bme stuff at banquet (cash only)
E-Social: Friday, March 27th
-will be in Goergen Hall
-cams pizza
-big event!
-Quarter Zips – finding out more information to get finalized
Mentoring Program:
Wednesday, April 8th 6:30 (tentative)
-possible mentor info session to get more mentors involved
-if we want to have an orientation event – must plan early!! and contact Matt Spielman
Social Events:
-Super Smash Bros Game Night: March 25th at 7 PM, Goergen 108
-projector from BME department – only one projector
-bowling social – A Sunday – get x number of lanes
-Assassin event within BME
-car bash with SWE? co-sponsorship? – yes, definitely can give money!
-combine with study break! cinco de mayo!
Academic Events
internship session: helpful/useful – try to host another one middle/end of Fall semester and Spring semester
-Vaccinex tour: 5-6 person tours (2) on Mt Hope Ave.
2 dates, 2:30-5 Tuesday or Thursday, 2:30-5 on Friday – April 14, 16, 17
-still waiting on response about specific dates
-will give description of bioprocess engineering
-EVENT: Out on a Limb Screening and discussion with speakers
April 13th 7-8 PM before meeting
-Matt Spielman/ SA is interested in showing academic movies
-Video called “Fixed” – about human enhancement
March 19th 7 PM Gowan Room
NEWSLETTER: Articles to Sophie (xzhang73@u.rochester.edu) – March 2nd due. -Email out during Spring Break
-mentoring events – Mary & Taryn – after deadline
-Rochester Explorer Post (Event for Children) – Kelly
-RIT social – Justin
-Advertisment for banquet – Janet
-Career Info Session – Emily/Sophie
-senior design stuff?
-interview Professor Brown on 101 – Janet and Sophie
-Click “Assessment” in the list, log onto CCC (make sure to SUBMIT the form)
-Rochester Explorer Post (Event for Children)
-Academic Event on internships and career center
-Matt Spielman is primary contact
-email Spielman if it’s been more than a month
1) On Campus tutoring/volunteering
-NSBE Study Hall Tuesdays—7-10 PM
2) FoodLink –
March 21st 9am – 12 noon Sign up: http://doodle.com/dtk99t83cvm8meca
transportation provided, meet in Goergen Atrium
April 18th from 9-12pm

3) STEM Family Science Day (April 18th)  – ECG, doppler

4) still looking into other schools to work with – late april/may
Tentative General Meeting:
April 1st
Weekly Meetings every Monday at 8 PM in Goergen 239.
Questions? Email Emily at ekwan@u.rochester.edu

Minutes 2/16/15

CHECK BMES OUT on Social Media:
feeds will be added to website/facebook
->>follow us!
BME Banquet: April 10th
-invitations sent to Professors
-advertisement for banquet can go in next newsletter
-cake, soda, ice, and flowers picked up the day of
-need center pieces, table clothes
-advertisements last week in March
-Facebook event
-online and paper sign ups
-pay with declining or cash
-awards: gag gifts! – update spreadsheet!
-senior superlatives google form
Review RIT Social: BMES, AiCHE, ESW Thurs 2/12
-only 4 of BMES people
-maybe 15 to 20 people total
-wasn’t mingling well
E-Social: Friday, March 27th
-will be in Goergen Hall
-need cheaper catering options – possibly pelligrinos
-exceptions with pizza
-Every Other Sunday at 4 PM
-12-1:30 on Wednesday in Goergen Atrium – come get your tanktops.
–Quarter Zips: saw fully fleece ones, but want to look into sweatshirt type
-can be printed instead of embroidered
-under $35
-reserved tables for MondayFriday March 2nd to 6th– if we could get the quarter zips by then…
Mentoring Program:
Wednesday, March 4th 6:30 Insomnia Cookies (theme?)
Wednesday, April 8th 6:30 (tentative)
-not pairing people up specifically until after meeting
-contract with responsibilities
-holding general meeting – monthly?
Social Events:
-super smash bros game night – Wednesday March 4th 7 PM
-in Goergen 108 or 101 – not sure if the gaming system can be hooked up to the projectors – does it work? Justin please email Emily
-pie a professor
-fire side chats with professors
-bowling social – A Sunday – get x number of lanes
Academic Events
-Vaccinex tour: 5 person tours (place is not that large)
-Upstate Stem Cell cGMP
-EVENT: Out on a Limb Screening and discussion with speakers
-move to after spring break
-ESW Cosponsor – professor seminars
-Matt Spielman/ SA is interested in showing academic movies
NEWSLETTER: Articles to Sophie (xzhang73@u.rochester.edu) – March 2nd due. -Email out during Spring Break
-mentoring events – Mary
-Rochester Explorer Post (Event for Children) – Kelly
-RIT social –
-Advertisment for banquet – Janet
-possible academic event
-senior design stuff?
-interview Professor Brown on 101 – Janet and Sophie
-Click “Assessment” in the list, log onto CCC (make sure to SUBMIT the form)
Rochester Explorer Post (Event for Children)
-Matt Spielman is primary contact
-email Spielman if it’s been more than a month
1) On Campus tutoring/volunteering
-NSBE Study Hall Tuesdays—7-10 PM
-2/10 – PHY 121 focused
2) BMEs are not taking advantage of internship/job opportunities
-Dr. Lerner could go through list
-will ask when they can get this together by
-we can host
3) FoodLink – schedule 3 evenly spaced days for Foodlin – got March 21st and April 18th from 9-12pm. Afternoon shifts are only on weekdays.
4) STEM Family Science Day (April 18th)  – ECG, doppler
5) looking into School 19(which is a STEM Academy), School 23 (which has an extended learning day because ‘College is their Compass’), and the following schools are close by: 2, 10, and 12
March 16 BMES Elections: 
President – if running, must email Stephanie a platform
Vice President
Business Manager
Social Chair
Mentoring Chairs (Co Chairs)
Outreach Chair
Publicity Chair
Website/Social Media Chair
Newsletter Chair
Fundraising Chair
Weekly Meetings every Monday at 8 PM in Goergen 239.
Questions? Email Emily at ekwan@u.rochester.edu

Minutes 2/2/15

CHECK BMES OUT on Social Media:



feeds will be added to website/facebook
->>follow us!

BME Banquet: April 10th
-another save the date – send out!
-invitations – will be printed soon

-advertisement for banquet can go in next newsletter
-catering is booked!

-cake, soda, ice, and flowers picked up the day of

-need center pieces, table clothes

-advertisements last week in March

-Facebook event

-online and paper sign ups

-pay with declining or cash

-awards: gag gifts!

RIT Social: BMES, AiCHE, ESW Thurs 2/12
-Distillery for convenience to U of R Students
-ask SWE if they are interested
-scheduled for Thursday, 2/12

-tentatively 6:30 PM

-not providing food – people can buy for themselves?

-or everyone pitches in $5?

-call Distillery to reserve a space

-organize rides (Emily): Drivers – Emily, Stephanie, Justin

E-Social: Friday, March 27th
-either in Goergen GYM (basketball thoughts) or Goergen Hall…
-Andrew’s looking at approved caterers from the school (don’t have a budget yet)
-Every Other Sunday at 4 PM

-Janet talk to Tyler about cost of location for Goergen Hall

-need to get rid of tank tops – make Class Announcements! (especially juniors)

-we will start to sell them if people don’t buy them
– will make mock up and send to waugh
-will send quote soon

-reserved tables for Monday-Friday March 2nd to 6th- if we could get the quarter zips by then…

-sell window clings/laptop stickers? ask the department if they’d like to sell them (James ask)

Mentoring Program:
-Revamping it!
-Phillip is here to help Mentoring Program
-some people did come to the Mentoring workshop

-planning Mentoring event with everyone in March and April

-Wednesday, March 4th 6:30 – will have a theme

-Wednesday, April 8th 6:30 (tentative)

-insomnia cookies for food
-“speed dating” event

Social Events:
-kick off for the semester? either 2nd or 3rd February
-come with ideas! can be Valentine’s day themed
-super smash bros game night: Raiem has WiiU and some members have wii controllers

-in Goergen 109 or 101 – not sure if the gaming system can be hooked up to the projectors

-bring equipment next week to test in Goergen 239

-need connecter from HDMI to VGA (Raiem and Justin – figure out how to get connector)
-pie a professor
-fire side chats with professors

Academic Events

-Vaccinex tour: 5 person tours (place is not that large)
-EVENT: Out on a Limb Screening and discussion with speakers
-prosthetist? would like to have one to talk with us.
-or designer of prosthetics
-Craig Ronald: tour of company – The Gleason Works

-see what’s going on at Strong Memorial Hospital (specific areas of research) – tours

-see basement of Goergen?

-Graduate seminars every Tuesday Morning

-talk to UR Nano

NEWSLETTER: Articles to Sophie (xzhang73@u.rochester.edu)
-mentoring events

-Rochester Explorer Post (Event for Children)

-RIT social
-examples of articles: http://sa.rochester.edu/bmes/category/newsletters/

College Diabetes Network Event: will cosponsor
-February 7th Sloan Auditorium 2-3 PM:
-Gretchen O’Dea – Diabetic that participated in the Iron Man Competition
-Who is going? Nitish, Emily



-Click “Assessment” in the list, log onto CCC (make sure to SUBMIT the form)
-Retinal Cup-Janet
-Mentoring Events – Caeli and Mary
-101 presentation skills lecture/mentoring event – Stephanie
-Study Break – Janet

Rochester Explorer Post (Event for Children)

-Matt Spielman is primary contact
-email Spielman if it’s been more than a month

1) On Campus tutoring/volunteering
-tutoring in Carlson through RSA 12-4 PM
-NSBE Study Hall Tuesdays—7-10 PM
->>Sign ups: https://docs.google.com/a/u.rochester.edu/spreadsheets/d/1eZhyVDH1p_7_kcIIkR-CIB9cmwlSr6S9EOAoEby_7hw/edit?usp=sharing

2) Americorps: community service activities? Yes!

-want consistant members 3:30-5:30 (Tuesday, Thursday or Friday, 2 days a week)
-would also like workshop leaders to show introduction to our major
3) Contact schools to see if people want programs!
4) Host a drive for materials or goods – look into medical foundations

5) sign up for food link!!

-February 9th
-10-10:50, 11-11:50
-sit down panel for GEAR students

March 16 BMES Elections (Emily send out positions) 

EPIC Event: 2/10 5 PM

-Software company

-have jobs BME related and available

-February 10th – 5 PM, Morey 321 **

-Free Pizza


Weekly Meetings every Monday at 8 PM in Goergen 239.

Questions? Email Emily at ekwan@u.rochester.edu

Minutes 1/26/15

CHECK BMES OUT on Social Media:


feeds will be added to website/facebook
->>follow us!

BME Banquet: April 10th
-another save the date! ****
-invitations should go out by the end of next week
-food and tables need to be ordered

-Distillery for convenience to U of R Students
-ask SWE if they are interested
-Tenatively Thurs. Feb 5th
-no new updates, will contact RIT

E-Social: Friday, March 29th
-either in Goergen GYM (basketball thoughts) or Goergen Hall…
-BMES has food
-still need to get a budget
-Every Other Sunday at 4 PM

-working on selling remaining t-shirts
-quarter zips with BME logo: got a name of website to order
– will make mock up and send to waugh
-will send quote soon
-how many could we order?

Mentoring Program:
-Revamping it!
-grading of mentors/mentees?
-Phillip is here to help Mentoring Program
-Wednesday 1/27 6-6:45 PM Mentoring Training Program – send out a reminder email
-more structured
-“speed dating” event
-social during the first/second week of the semester

Social Events:
-kick off for the semester? either 2nd or 3rd February
-come with ideas! can be Valentine’s day themed
-super smash bros?
-pie a professor
-fire side chats with professors

General Interest Meeting: February 2nd
-7 PM in Goergen 101
-Nuley order Pizza
-meet in the Atrium at 7 PM!
-announce in classes!

Academic Events
-Vaccinex tour: 5 person tours
-EVENT: Out on a Limb Screening and discussion with speakers
-prosthetist? would like to have one to talk with us.
-or designer of prosthetics
-Craig Ronald: tour of company – The Gleason Works

NEWSLETTER: Articles to Sophie (xzhang73@u.rochester.edu)
-mentoring events
-RIT social
-examples of articles: http://sa.rochester.edu/bmes/category/newsletters/

College Diabetes Network Event: will cosponsor
-February 7th Sloan Auditorium 2-3 PM:
-Gretchen O’Dea – Diabetic that participated in the Iron Man Competition
-Who is going? Nitish, Emily

-Click “Assessment” in the list, log onto CCC (make sure to SUBMIT the form)
-Retinal Cup-Janet
-Mentoring Events – Caeli and Mary
-101 presentation skills lecture/mentoring event – Stephanie
-Study Break – Janet
-Matt Spielman is primary contact
-email Spielman if it’s been more than a month

1) On Campus tutoring/volunteering
-tutoring in Carlson through RSA 12-4 PM
-NSBE Study Hall Tuesdays—7-10 PM
->>Sign ups: https://docs.google.com/a/u.rochester.edu/spreadsheets/d/1eZhyVDH1p_7_kcIIkR-CIB9cmwlSr6S9EOAoEby_7hw/edit?usp=sharing
2) Rochester Explorer Post (Event for Children): January 29th 6:30 PM (set up labs & talk about BME)
-will need about 4-5 people
-Andrew contact Dr. Brown for equipment
-Kelly, Nitish (first hour), Stephanie, Emily (first hour), Andrew, James
-Kelly & Emily will set up the experiements at 12:30
3) Americorps: community service activities? Yes!
-want consistant members 3:30-5:30 (Tuesday, Thursday or Friday, 2 days a week)
-would also like workshop leaders to show introduction to our major
4) Contact schools to see if people want programs!
5) Host a drive for materials or goods – look into medical foundations

-February 9th
-10-10:50, 11-11:50
-sit down panel for GEAR students
-Questions about BME

-general interest meeting flyers/posts
-group picture – will need a formal picture

Weekly Meetings every Monday at 8 PM in Goergen 239.
Questions? Email Emily at ekwan@u.rochester.edu

Minutes 1/19/15

CHECK THIS OUT: Social media Updates!!


feeds will be added to website/facebook
->>follow us!

Congratulations to our NEW Outreach Chair: Andrew Arjana!

BME Banquet: April 10th
-talking to catering
-another save the date!
-invitations should go out by the end of next week
-food and tables need to be ordered

-Distillery for convenience to U of R Students
-ask SWE if they are interested
-Tenatively Thurs. Feb 5th

E-Social: Friday, March 29th
-either in Goergen GYM (basketball thoughts) or Goergen Hall…
-BMES has food
-need to see budget
-Every Other Sunday at 4 PM

-working on selling remaining t-shirts
-quarter zips with BME logo!

Mentoring Program:
-Revamping it!
-Will have more to hear about next week
-possible mentoring assistant
-grading of mentors/mentees?

General Interest Meeting: February 2nd
-7 PM in Goergen 101
-order Pizza

Academic Events
-prosthetics video (Stephanie will contact)
-industry tours
-Vaccinex tour?
-Contact Career Center

NEWSLETTER: Articles to Sophie (xzhang73@u.rochester.edu) Due Dec. 13th – stuff envelopes 7 PM on Dec 15th
-mentoring events- Caeli and Mary (received)
-RIT social

-examples of articles: http://sa.rochester.edu/bmes/category/newsletters/
-Click “Assessment” in the list, log onto CCC (make sure to SUBMIT the form)
-Retinal Cup-Janet
-Mentoring Events – Caeli and Mary
-101 presentation skills lecture/mentoring event – Stephanie
-Study Break – Janet
-Matt Spielman is primary contact
-email Spielman if it’s been more than a month

1) On Campus tutoring/volunteering
-tutoring in Carlson through RSA 12-4 PM
-NSBE Study Hall Tuesdays—7-10 PM
->>Sign ups: https://docs.google.com/a/u.rochester.edu/spreadsheets/d/1eZhyVDH1p_7_kcIIkR-CIB9cmwlSr6S9EOAoEby_7hw/edit?usp=sharing
2) Rochester Explorer Post (Event for Children): January 29th 6:30 PM (set up labs & talk about BME)
-will need about 4-5 people
-Andrew contact Dr. Brown for equipment
3) Americorps: community service activities? Yes!
-want consistant members 3:30-5:30 (Tuesday, Thursday or Friday, 2 days a week)
-would also like workshop leaders to show introduction to our major
4) Contact schools to see if people want programs!

-general interest meeting flyers/posts
-group picture – will need a formal picture

Weekly Meetings every Monday at 8 PM in Goergen 239.
Questions? Email Emily at ekwan@u.rochester.edu