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Reasons To Join!

Public Speaking

One of the most basic strengths that you can gain is a confidence in public speaking. Regardless of whether you participate as an attorney or a witness, both will pave the way for new techniques and tips that will improve your comfort with speaking in front of audiences.


Analytical Thinking

By the time a case has ended, our teams have spent hours trying to analyze the case from every angle. This includes preempting potential counterarguments, developing multiple key timelines, and engaging in thorough discussions about constructing the most believable story. All of these skills work together to sharpen our team’s capacity to think fully.

Work Ethic

In order to stay competitive, our team spends a lot of time practicing smaller details and working to improve every aspect of our case. This requires a lot of consistency, self-determination, and rehearsal, all of which go into making our team as efficient and inspired as it can be.


In the big picture of American Mock Trial, our team has been pretty successful. In the past five years, we reached a high ranking of #28 out of hundreds of competing teams, winning awards at many invitationals and AMTA touraments. In addition, our team is filled with a lot of talented, aspiring competitors, which is extremely promising for the future of our organiation.



We are a team that competes together, but we are also friends with each other. Many of the strongest friendships our competitors have are with other people in mock trial. There is just a special connection that can be built over coffee writing direct examinations that can’t be built anywhere else. Although your mock trial career will eventually come to an end, the connections that you make through it won’t.

It's Fun!

The final, and possibly biggest reason why you should join mock trial is because it is a super good time. The feeling of finally finishing a direct or putting on a great round for the judges is something that you can’t get anywhere else. In addition, the time that you spend with your team at social events, practices, and debriefing will make you feel glad that you ultimately decided to join Mock Trial.


Your Courtroom Awaits!