Minutes 02.18.2019

Health Professions Panel

BMES, in collaboration with the BME Department, is hoping to organize a BME Health Professions Panel of BME Alumni who are in the Rochester area practicing as MDs, MD residents, Nurses. We are trying to gauge interest and figure out potential dates/times for the session. Please fill out this form if you are interested and can make one or more of these times.

Women in STEM Posters

Cosponsorship with SWE

We want to fill Carlson library with women who inspire us for March (Women’s history month). Do research on one female in STEM and her accomplishments and make a poster about it. The set up  of the display would be 4 large poster boards that would be displayed in Carlson with your posters cut out on to them as “mini” posters, each the size of a piece of paper (8.5″ x 11″). Additionally, the plan is to have each of your posters featured on a bigger view electronically, looping through the digital screens of the library. Attached is a poster template you can follow, but also change to make your own! Please send Nicole (nrinald2@u.rochester.edu) your finished poster by Friday, March 1st. Again, if you know people who still want to sign up, you can let them know they still can, but March is coming up fairly quickly.  If you are interested please sign up here!

Women in STEM Panel

Cosponsorship with SWE and She’s The First

She’s the First and Society of Women Engineers are organizing Women in STEM panel, held on March 5th from 5pm to 6pm in Wegmans 1400. We have invited a variety of different professors from fields such as BME, Brain and Cognitive Sciences, and many others to speak about their experiences and paths to success in their careers. The professors who are attending are Dr. Amy Lerner (BME), Dr. Astrid Muller (ChemE), Dr. Renee Miller (BCS), Dr. Alexis Stein (Biology), and Dr. Ayla Gafni (Math). This panel is meant to shed light on the challenges that women face while entering STEM careers, as well as inspire the young women who are pursuing STEM-related fields while here, at the University of Rochester.

While the women on this panel will offer advice for women, we also aim to educate the other half of the population in the hopes that we can help create a more equal playing field in the future.

We are not asking for a set amount of members to attend, just as many as are interested. We also ask that you spread the word about the event and encourage others to go, as well as submit questions to the attached google form for our panelists here.

Minutes 02.12.2019

ASME Student Banquet & Talk

Ticket link | Facebook event

Friday, February 15 from 6-9 pm
May Room at Wilson Commons

Enjoy a delicious catered meal, network with local professionals, students, and faculty from both UR and RIT, and hear a talk given by the Director of the Laboratory for Laser Energetics, Dr. Mike Campbell.  BMES is cosponsoring the event!  Sign up to attend here

Women in STEM Posters

Cosponsorship with SWE

We want to fill Carlson library with women who inspire us for March (Women’s history month). Do research on one female in STEM and her accomplishments and make a poster about it.  If you are interested please sign up here by Feb. 11! You don’t need to know who you want to research, but we want to gauge interest so please sign up now! This is a great way to get more involved with the club and to learn about the accomplishments of other women in STEM.

Possible GEAR event

Admissions and the Hajim School Dean’s Office hosts an interview event for prospective GEAR students in mid-February and we need your help! Here’s more information about what GEAR is:

Visiting students have an option of staying overnight at UR and we would like to have an engineering activity planned for them that helps them get to know life at UR and what it’s like to be an engineering student at UR. The event would need to be the evening (6-8:30) of Monday, Feb 18. It could be a game night, movies, UR/Engineering Jeopardy, or whatever sounds fun to you all.We want to highlight the diversity of our student body and programming this year. While we really would like all of our engineering groups to participate (either help plan or be at the event), if you are a student group that is focused on or excited about increasing the gender or racial/cultural diversity of our engineers, please please definitely join us in organizing this event!  Admissions can help with funding or space needs if necessary.

If you’re interested, email Rosie Cash (rcash@u.rochester.edu).

Need Business Cards?

Una Business Cards serve the community for their branding and graphic design needs. What separates us from other business card company is that we believe a great design makes your professional identity stand out. We get to know our customers before coming up with a design.

We have worked closely with startup companies and students to come up with designs that are memorable and unique. We are endorsed by the career center to provide business card service on campus.

If you are interested in having his design made and print, you send an email to us for a quote: unabusinesscards@gmail.com

Check our business card designs and business card cases at: http://unabusinesscards.com/

Minutes 02.04.2019

Engineering Resume Workshop

Wednesday, February 6th from 6-6:45 PM at Frederick Douglas 407 

Join a Greene Center advisor to learn the basics and strategy behind developing a resume.

Sponsored by Biomedical Engineering Society (BMES

RSVP in the EVENTS section of Handshake here

Mentoring Game Night

Thursday, February 7th in the Georgen Atrium

Stop by at some point between 5 and 7:30

Free pizza and drinks!

Be a STEM Superstar @UR

Saturday, February 10 from 12-2pm

STEM Superstar is an event from the girl scouts of western New York with girls grade 2-5. BMES is having a table with a heart model. Sign-up to help us table here

ASME Student Banquet & Talk

Ticket link | Facebook event

Friday, February 15 from 6-9 pm

May Room at Wilson Commons

Enjoy a delicious catered meal, network with local professionals, students, and faculty from both UR and RIT, and hear a talk given by the Director of the Laboratory for Laser Energetics, Dr. Mike Campbell.  BMES is cosponsoring the event!  Sign up to attend here

Possible GEAR event

Admissions and the Hajim School Dean’s Office hosts an interview event for prospective GEAR students in mid-February and we need your help! Here’s more information about what GEAR is:http://www.hajim.rochester.edu/academics/options/gear.html

Visiting students have an option of staying overnight at UR and we would like to have an engineering activity planned for them that helps them get to know life at UR and what it’s like to be an engineering student at UR. The event would need to be the evening (6-8:30) of Monday, Feb 18. It could be a game night, movies, UR/Engineering Jeopardy, or whatever sounds fun to you all.We want to highlight the diversity of our student body and programming this year. While we really would like all of our engineering groups to participate (either help plan or be at the event), if you are a student group that is focused on or excited about increasing the gender or racial/cultural diversity of our engineers, please please definitely join us in organizing this event!  Admissions can help with funding or space needs if necessary.

If you’re interested, email Rosie Cash (rcash@u.rochester.edu)

Need Business Cards?

Una Business Cards serve the community for their branding and graphic design needs. What separates us from other business card company is that we believe a great design makes your professional identity stand out. We get to know our customers before coming up with a design.We have worked closely with startup companies and students to come up with designs that are memorable and unique. We are endorsed by the career center to provide business card service on campus.If you are interested in having his design made and print, you send an email to us for a quote: unabusinesscards@gmail.comCheck our business card designs and business card cases at: http://unabusinesscards.com/

Congrats to our New Eboard Members! 

President: Ananya Goyal
Vice President: Joe Madejski
Business Manager: Lam Nguyen
Secretary: Tram Nguyen
Social Chair: Alex Rivera
Publicity Chair: Thu (Tracy) Le 
Outreach Chair: Ruyi (Lauren) Li 
Mentoring Co-Chair: Firaol Midekssa & Caroline Stockwell
Newsletter Chair: Reshul Narhari
Webmaster: Priscila Passeroti

Minutes 1.21.2019

Career Conversation With BME Alum Luke Daily ’16, MS ‘17 

Wednesday January 23 at 5pm @ Goergen 101

Veterans Affairs Health Care Technical Career Field Program

Clinical engineering (a.k.a. Healthcare Technology Management) involves managing medical devices, administering medical device networks, and engineering project management within hospitals. The Technical Career Field (TCF) program within the Department of Veterans Affairs is a great opportunity to receive plenty of on-the-job training and gain exposure to the front line of healthcare. This program can provide exposure to troubleshooting medical equipment, networking medical devices (Internet of Things), project management, lean/six sigma methodologies, government contracting, and other fields depending upon your own interests.


BMES General Interest Meeting

Monday January 28th at 7:30 pm @ Georgen 239

There will be free pizza and drinks!  Everyone is invited to the Eboard meeting afterward. You must attend 1 Eboard meeting in order to run for a position!!


BMES Elections

Monday February 4, at 8pm @ Georgen 239

We need people from all years, so if you’re interested, please come!


ASME Student Banquet & Talk

Friday, February 15 from 6-9 pm @ May Room at Wilson Commons

Ticket link | Facebook event

Enjoy a delicious catered meal, network with local professionals, students, and faculty from both UR and RIT, and hear a talk given by the Director of the Laboratory for Laser Energetics, Dr. Mike Campbell.  BMES is cosponsoring the event!  Sign up to attend here.


Possible GEAR Event

Admissions and the Hajim School Dean’s Office hosts an interview event for prospective GEAR students in mid-February and we need your help! Here’s more information about what GEAR is:


Visiting students have an option of staying overnight at UR and we would like to have an engineering activity planned for them that helps them get to know life at UR and what it’s like to be an engineering student at UR. The event would need to be the evening (6-8:30) of Monday, Feb 18. It could be a game night, movies, UR/Engineering Jeopardy, or whatever sounds fun to you all. We want to highlight the diversity of our student body and programming this year. While we really would like all of our engineering groups to participate (either help plan or be at the event), if you are a student group that is focused on or excited about increasing the gender or racial/cultural diversity of our engineers, please please definitely join us in organizing this event!  Admissions can help with funding or space needs if necessary.

If you’re interested, email Rosie Cash (rcash@u.rochester.edu).

Minutes 11.26.18

Upcoming Events

AIChE Undergraduate Research Panel

November 28th, 5pm, Harkness 115

We are cosponsoring this event! Please sign up here, if you’d like to attend.  Additionally, if anyone is interested in being on the panel, please email me!! (rcash@u.rochester.edu)

BME Summer Internship Info Session

November 28th, 5-6pm, Goergen 101

Weekly Events

Peer Advisor Office Hours:

Tiffany Nicholas, Bobby Crews, and Chantelle Lim are BME peer advisors. They are here to help answer your questions about your major and minor, make connections with faculty, research opportunities, study abroad, etc..

Their office hours start this week in Goergen 2nd flood lounge:

Bobby: Mondays 12.45pm – 1.45pm

Tiffany: Tuesdays 12.30pm – 1.30pm

Chantelle: Thursdays 1pm – 2pm

Click here for more info!!

Engineering Study Sessions:

Tau Beta Pi is an engineering honor society and, as part of our involvement on campus, we will be hosting Engineering Study Sessions twice a week (Tuesdays & Wednesdays from 7-8pm in Genesee 321) starting September 11th and running until December 5th.

Job Opportunities

The TCF program:

The TCF program starts taking applicants in January/February for positions that begin in September/October. It is too late to apply for this year (Fiscal Year 2018) but the FY19 application process will begin this January. This program can be applied for on the usajobs.gov website.


– Look out for details on our BMES study break in the next email!!!

– If you’re interested in running for BMES Eboard, you must attend one BMES meeting, next semester, before running.  Dates about elections will be sent early next semester, so be on the lookout!


Minutes 11.07.18

Upcoming Events


Society of Women Engineers, Semi-Annual Dinner with Professors

November 16th, 6-8pm, Wilson Commons 122

RSVP here.  Declining forms must be in by November 9th at 3pm.  Final deadline to RSVP is Monday November 12th. Please email Alice Freese at afreese2@u.rochester.edu if you have any questions.


AIChE Undergraduate Research Panel

November 28th, 5pm, location TBD

We are cosponsoring this event! Please sign up here, if you’d like to attend.  Additionally, if anyone is interested in being on the panel, please email me!! (rcash@u.rochester.edu)


Weekly Events

Peer Advisor Office Hours:

Tiffany Nicholas, Bobby Crews, and Chantelle Lim are BME peer advisors. They are here to help answer your questions about your major and minor, make connections with faculty, research opportunities, study abroad, etc..

Their office hours start this week in Goergen 2nd flood lounge:

Bobby: Mondays 12.45pm – 1.45pm

Tiffany: Tuesdays 12.30pm – 1.30pm

Chantelle: Thursdays 1pm – 2pm

Click here for more info!!

Engineering Study Sessions:

Tau Beta Pi is an engineering honor society and, as part of our involvement on campus, we will be hosting Engineering Study Sessions twice a week (Tuesdays & Wednesdays from 7-8pm in Genesee 321) starting September 11th and running until December 5th.

Job Opportunities

The TCF program:

The TCF program starts taking applicants in January/February for positions that begin in September/October. It is too late to apply for this year (Fiscal Year 2018) but the FY19 application process will begin this January. This program can be applied for on the usajobs.gov website.


Huge congrats to our new Newsletter Co- Chair Firaol Midekssa and our new Newsletter committee member Linh Hoang!

Minutes 10.29.18

Biotech Industry Talk with UR (TBP!) Alum

TOMORROW, October 30th, 4:45pm, Georgen 101

Barrett Nehilla, a UR BME and TBP alum, is interested in giving a seminar to undergraduate engineers who are interested in the biotech industry. He has extensive experience in biomedical research and development professional with specific expertise in analytical and assay development, adoptive cell therapies, polymer chemistry and nanotechnologies.

AIChE Undergraduate Research Panel

November 28th, 5pm, location TBD

We are cosponsoring this event! Please sign up here, if you’d like to attend.  Additionally, if anyone is interested in being on the panel, please email me!! (rcash@u.rochester.edu)

Weekly Events

Peer Advisor Office Hours:

Tiffany Nicholas, Bobby Crews, and Chantelle Lim are BME peer advisors. They are here to help answer your questions about your major and minor, make connections with faculty, research opportunities, study abroad, etc..

Their office hours start this week in Goergen 2nd flood lounge:

Bobby: Mondays 12.45pm – 1.45pm

Tiffany: Tuesdays 12.30pm – 1.30pm

Chantelle: Thursdays 1pm – 2pm

Click here for more info!!

Engineering Study Sessions:

Tau Beta Pi is an engineering honor society and, as part of our involvement on campus, we will be hosting Engineering Study Sessions twice a week (Tuesdays & Wednesdays from 7-8pm in Genesee 321) starting September 11th and running until December 5th.

Job Opportunities

The TCF program:

The TCF program starts taking applicants in January/February for positions that begin in September/October. It is too late to apply for this year (Fiscal Year 2018) but the FY19 application process will begin this January. This program can be applied for on the usajobs.gov website.


The Resume Workshop scheduled for tomorrow has been CANCELLED.  Look out for another one next semester!!

Minutes 10.22.18

Graduate Fair

Friday, October 26th, from 1-4 in the Goergen Hall Atrium.

There will be a reception following the fair, from 4 until 5.

This Graduate Fair is unique because it has been designed for undergraduate students to learn and explore opportunities available at regional colleges and universities that have graduate programs of interest to Biomedical Engineering students.  Tours of labs will be provided.


Friday, October 26th at 2

Want to try eating a donut on a string or painting a pumpkin? Come to the Wilson Commons Porch and check out what the different engineering organizations have prepared for this fall’s engineering social! Feel free to stop by and enjoy some free food with friends and fellow engineers. Sponsored by ASME, Solar Splash, UR Robotics, UR Makers, CSUG, BMES, SWE, AlChE, URSS, SHPE, NSBE, EWB, and Tau Beta Pi.

Open to all students, faculty, staff, and families and friends.

This event will be held in conjunction with the ASME Pumpkin Launch, which starts at 2:00pm, and Club Rochester, hosted by Wilson Commons Student Activities

Resume/ Cover Letter Workshop

Tuesday October 30, 6-7 pm, Georgen 101

Sign up on our attendance sheet, AND on Handshake in order to attend!

Flyer Attached below!

Biotech Industry Talk with UR (TBP!) Alum

Tuesday, October 30th, 4:45pm, Georgen 101

Barrett Nehilla, a UR BME and TBP alum, is interested in giving a seminar to undergraduate engineers who are interested in the biotech industry. He has extensive experience in biomedical research and development professional with specific expertise in analytical and assay development, adoptive cell therapies, polymer chemistry and nanotechnologies.

AIChE Undergraduate Research Panel

November 28th, 5pm, location TBD

We are cosponsoring this event! Please sign up here, if you’d like to attend.  Additionally, if anyone is interested in being on the panel, please email me!! (rcash@u.rochester.edu)

Weekly Events

Peer Advisor Office Hours:

Tiffany Nicholas, Bobby Crews, and Chantelle Lim are BME peer advisors. They are here to help answer your questions about your major and minor, make connections with faculty, research opportunities, study abroad, etc..

Their office hours start this week in Goergen 2nd flood lounge:

Bobby: Mondays 12.45pm – 1.45pm

Tiffany: Tuesdays 12.30pm – 1.30pm

Chantelle: Thursdays 1pm – 2pm

Click here for more info!!

Engineering Study Sessions:

Tau Beta Pi is an engineering honor society and, as part of our involvement on campus, we will be hosting Engineering Study Sessions twice a week (Tuesdays & Wednesdays from 7-8pm in Genesee 321) starting September 11th and running until December 5th.

Job Opportunities

The TCF program:

The TCF program starts taking applicants in January/February for positions that begin in September/October. It is too late to apply for this year (Fiscal Year 2018) but the FY19 application process will begin this January. This program can be applied for on the usajobs.gov website.

Minutes 10.01.18

Monday, 10.01.2018

Upcoming Events

Concentration Panel

Tuesday, October 23rd at 5pm

(details on location coming soon)

Sign up here!

Resume/ Cover Letter Workshop

Tuesday October 30, 6-7 pm

(location tbd)

Sign up here!

Political SCIENCE

Thursday, Oct 18th at 7:30pm

Located in Izone

Committee for Political Engagement, a nonpartisan organization focused on raising political awareness on the UR Campus, is collaborating with iZone to organize an event called Political SCIENCE, which explores the intersection between political science and STEM majors. The goal of this event is to bring together two academic fields that do not often have much chance to intersect on campus. At the event, people from all majors will be split into teams to brainstorm solutions in a variety of fields: healthcare, artificial intelligence, defense, and applied science. BMES needs to send 3-6 members to the event! Sign up to attend here!

Graduate Fair

Friday, October 26th, from 1-4, reception following from 4-5

Goergen Hall Atrium

This Graduate Fair is unique because it has been designed for undergraduate students to learn and explore opportunities available at regional colleges and universities that have graduate programs of interest to Biomedical Engineering students.  Tours of labs will be provided.

Biotech Industry Talk with UR (TBP!) Alum

Tuesday, October 30th, 4:45pm

Location TBD

Barrett Nehilla, a UR BME and TBP alum, is interested in giving a seminar to undergraduate engineers who are interested in the biotech industry. He has extensive experience in biomedical research and development professional with specific expertise in analytical and assay development, adoptive cell therapies, polymer chemistry and nanotechnologies.


Friday, October 26th at 2

Fun fall games during the Pumpkin Launch! More details coming soon!

Weekly Events

Peer Advisor Office Hours:

Tiffany Nicholas, Bobby Crews, and Chantelle Lim are BME peer advisors. They are here to help answer your questions about your major and minor, make connections with faculty, research opportunities, study abroad, etc..

Their office hours start this week in Goergen 2nd flood lounge:

Bobby: Mondays 12.45pm – 1.45pm

Tiffany: Tuesdays 12.30pm – 1.30pm

Chantelle: Thursdays 1pm – 2pm

Click here for more info!!

Engineering Study Sessions:

Tau Beta Pi is an engineering honor society and, as part of our involvement on campus, we will be hosting Engineering Study Sessions twice a week (Tuesdays & Wednesdays from 7-8pm in Genesee 321) starting September 11th and running until December 5th.

Job Opportunities

The TCF program:

The TCF program starts taking applicants in January/February for positions that begin in September/October. It is too late to apply for this year (Fiscal Year 2018) but the FY19 application process will begin this January. This program can be applied for on the usajobs.gov website.


Huge congrats to our new Newsletter Co- Chair Firaol Midekssa and our new Newsletter committee member Linh Hoang!

Minutes 9.7.15

Biomedical Engineering Society Minutes
BMES General Interest Meeting!!! Interested in being a part of BMES this year? Come to our GIM Monday the 14th at 7 in Goergen 101! Free pizza will be provided, so be there or be square
BME Department Picnic is Friday September 18th at 4 in GVP so mark your calendars! Tons of free Dinosaur BBQ and the chance to hang out with your professors and other students in your department! Look out for more info in the coming weeks.

CHECK BMES OUT on Social Media:



BMES GIM – Come to our General Interest Meeting this coming Monday September 14th at 7 PM in Goergen 101!
BME Department Picnic
To-do list: don’t forget to do things you signed up for!
List needs people to help set up at 4
Also make sure to fill out the date of completion on the Google Doc so we can keep track of what is completed
Small to-do items
Pick up ice tubs from GAC and fill with ice
Finalize all smaller details going into next week
Meliora Weekend
Alumni Panel will be held
Tabling will occur during the weekend
More updates coming soon
No updates at this time
Laser Tag, bowling and other fun events coming later in the semester
Co-Sponsor Chi Omega’s Wish-In-One Mini Golf Event on September 19th!

Quarter Zips
Coming up later this semester

Mentoring Program:
Juniors and Seniors – send in your mentoring bios!
Come on Tuesday September 7th for the mentor event at 7 in Goergen 239 (where meetings are normally held)

Social Media:
Working to join forces with the main office to create a social media outlet to easily reach students in the department
We can now start making a LinkedIn group
Check us out on Instagram, Twitter, and the CCC! Links to everything can be found above.

Academic Events:
BMES Conference – work on getting money from your PIs if you are attending
WebEx conversation with Nick Drury, UR BME Alum who now works for Zimmer Biomet next Wednesday, September 23rd at 6pm.
September 23rd from 6-7 PM, talk about CMTI – current student speaking about it, open to anyone in BME
Eventually – OrthoClinical Diagnostics, later this semester
Vaccinex maybe later in this semester
Prosthetic department at Strong tour
Ideally 3 industry tours this year

No updates at this time

If you want to write about upcoming events, or have an idea for an article, contact Arun Nambiar
Articles will be due October 17th by 8 PM

Assessment of Events:
Complete assessment here
Click “Assessment” in the list, log onto CCC (make sure to SUBMIT the form)
Rochester Explorer Post (Event for Children)
Academic Event on internships and career center
Matt Spielman is primary contact
Email Spielman if it’s been more than a month

Weekly Meetings every Monday at 8 PM in Goergen 239.
Questions? Email Anisha at akhosla@u.rochester.edu