The following are links to online GLBT resources at the
International, National, and Regional levels. Email
the webmaster if you have any resources or links to suggest.
online resources ::
- The Gay Alliance of the
Genesee Valley
- Educates and advocates for the eradication of homophobia
and full civil rights for all.
- Avitale.com
- Notes on Gender Role Transition.
- Coming Out Stories
- Coming out stories - Tell your story today and read about
- DebraDavis.org
- Debra Davis is a retired, transgendered librarian, who travels
the country to speak for many groups, incuding Pride Network.
- FTM International
- Information for Female to Male transgendered people and
transsexual men.
- Gay.com
- Connecting the Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual and Transgendered
- The Gay and Lesbian
National Hotline
- Speak with callers of all ages about coming-out issues,
relationship concerns, HIV/AIDS anxiety and safer-sex information
and lots more.
- Works for the accurate depiction of Gays and Lesbians in
the media.
- Human Rights Campaign
- Works for Lesbian and Gay equal rights.
- ImageOut
- Order your tickets online for Rochester's biggest glbtq
film festival.
- International Gay
and Lesbian Human Rights Commission
- Works for GLBT equal rights internationally.
- Lambda
- A national organization committed to achieving full recognition
of the civil rights of lesbians, gay men, bisexuals, transgender
people and those with HIV through impact litigation, education,
and public policy work.
- Lesbian.com
- Resources for Lesbian individuals.
- Leslie Feinberg
- Leslie Feinberg is a transgendered man who came to speak
at UR in the Fall of 2001. He is a great resource for our
transgendered friends.
- P-Flag National
- A group for Parents, Families and Friends of Lesbians and
- Planetout
- Everything from shopping and personals to news, finance
and travel information.
- Transgender
Directory Project
- Links to other Transgender sites.
- Trans-Health.com
- An online magazine for transgendered and transsexual people.
- Transsexual.org
- Information of transsexualism and transgenderism (More on
Male to Female than Female to Male transgendered people).
- Transsexualism:
A Primer
- An essay on transsexualism.
- Transsexual Road Map
- Information about transsexuals and transgenders making a
transition to a better life for themselves.
- Youth Resources
- Committed, supportive, caring, and trustworthy place for
Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual and Transgender youths to communicate.