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President: Emily Hart (emily.hart@rochester.edu) (2012)
Vice President: Catherine Christian (2013)
Secretary: Casey Gould (2014)
Treasurer: Timothy Kutchman (2013)
Fundraising Chairs: Clare Kreckel(2014) and Emily Kopp (2014)
Build Coordinator: Aaron Rusheen (2014)
Spring Break Coordinator: Jessica Nielsen (2013)
Education Chair: Sara Lever (2013)
Webmaster: Aaron Rusheen (2014)

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President: Emily Hart (emily.hart@rochester.edu) (2012)
Vice President: Brittany Davis (2011)
Secretary: Jennifer Karkoska (2013)
Treasurer: Kayla Arrison (2012)
Fundraising Chairs: Arden Witheford (2012) and Emily Rus (2011)
Build Coordinator: Aaron Eisenberg (2012)
Spring Break Coordinators: Kayla Spring (2012) and Mallory Laboulaye (2012)
Education Chair: OPEN. Please contact President if interested.
Webmaster: OPEN. Please contact President if interested.

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President: Brittany Davis (brittany.davis@rochester.edu) (2011) Vice President: Danielle Pak (Take5) Secretary: Emily Hart (2012) Treasurer: Laura Posner (2010) Fundraising Chairs: Marika Harada (2010) and Emily Rus (2011) Build Coordinator: Brittany Davis (2011) Education Chair: Fiona Devotta (2010) Webmaster: Danielle Pak (Take5)
