CHECK BMES OUT on Social Media:
feeds will be added to website/facebook
->>follow us!
BME Banquet: April 10th
-another save the date – send out!
-invitations – will be printed soon
-advertisement for banquet can go in next newsletter
-catering is booked!
-cake, soda, ice, and flowers picked up the day of
-need center pieces, table clothes
-advertisements last week in March
-Facebook event
-online and paper sign ups
-pay with declining or cash
-awards: gag gifts!
RIT Social: BMES, AiCHE, ESW Thurs 2/12
-Distillery for convenience to U of R Students
-ask SWE if they are interested
-scheduled for Thursday, 2/12
-tentatively 6:30 PM
-not providing food – people can buy for themselves?
-or everyone pitches in $5?
-call Distillery to reserve a space
-organize rides (Emily): Drivers – Emily, Stephanie, Justin
E-Social: Friday, March 27th
-either in Goergen GYM (basketball thoughts) or Goergen Hall…
-Andrew’s looking at approved caterers from the school (don’t have a budget yet)
-Every Other Sunday at 4 PM
-Janet talk to Tyler about cost of location for Goergen Hall
-need to get rid of tank tops – make Class Announcements! (especially juniors)
-we will start to sell them if people don’t buy them
– will make mock up and send to waugh
-will send quote soon
-reserved tables for Monday-Friday March 2nd to 6th- if we could get the quarter zips by then…
-sell window clings/laptop stickers? ask the department if they’d like to sell them (James ask)
Mentoring Program:
-Revamping it!
-Phillip is here to help Mentoring Program
-some people did come to the Mentoring workshop
-planning Mentoring event with everyone in March and April
-Wednesday, March 4th 6:30 – will have a theme
-Wednesday, April 8th 6:30 (tentative)
-insomnia cookies for food
-“speed dating” event
Social Events:
-kick off for the semester? either 2nd or 3rd February
-come with ideas! can be Valentine’s day themed
-super smash bros game night: Raiem has WiiU and some members have wii controllers
-in Goergen 109 or 101 – not sure if the gaming system can be hooked up to the projectors
-bring equipment next week to test in Goergen 239
-need connecter from HDMI to VGA (Raiem and Justin – figure out how to get connector)
-pie a professor
-fire side chats with professors
Academic Events
-Vaccinex tour: 5 person tours (place is not that large)
-EVENT: Out on a Limb Screening and discussion with speakers
-prosthetist? would like to have one to talk with us.
-or designer of prosthetics
-Craig Ronald: tour of company – The Gleason Works
-see what’s going on at Strong Memorial Hospital (specific areas of research) – tours
-see basement of Goergen?
-Graduate seminars every Tuesday Morning
-talk to UR Nano
NEWSLETTER: Articles to Sophie (
-mentoring events
-Rochester Explorer Post (Event for Children)
-RIT social
-examples of articles:
College Diabetes Network Event: will cosponsor
-February 7th Sloan Auditorium 2-3 PM:
-Gretchen O’Dea – Diabetic that participated in the Iron Man Competition
-Who is going? Nitish, Emily
-Click “Assessment” in the list, log onto CCC (make sure to SUBMIT the form)
-Retinal Cup-Janet
-Mentoring Events – Caeli and Mary
-101 presentation skills lecture/mentoring event – Stephanie
-Study Break – Janet
Rochester Explorer Post (Event for Children)
-Matt Spielman is primary contact
-email Spielman if it’s been more than a month
1) On Campus tutoring/volunteering
-tutoring in Carlson through RSA 12-4 PM
-NSBE Study Hall Tuesdays—7-10 PM
->>Sign ups:
2) Americorps: community service activities? Yes!
-want consistant members 3:30-5:30 (Tuesday, Thursday or Friday, 2 days a week)
-would also like workshop leaders to show introduction to our major
3) Contact schools to see if people want programs!
4) Host a drive for materials or goods – look into medical foundations
5) sign up for food link!!
-February 9th
-10-10:50, 11-11:50
-sit down panel for GEAR students
March 16 BMES Elections (Emily send out positions)
EPIC Event: 2/10 5 PM
-Software company
-have jobs BME related and available
-February 10th – 5 PM, Morey 321 **
-Free Pizza
Weekly Meetings every Monday at 8 PM in Goergen 239.
Questions? Email Emily at