Sign up for mentoring!
Graduate program mentees
Undergraduate mentors:
Undergraduate mentees:
Boar’s head dinner
BMES will have a table for Boar’s head dinner, with Dr Gdwoski and his wife being our faculty guest. PLease come join us! Tickets go on sale Nov 22nd only.
Coffee mentoring social for BMES undergraduate mentorship program
Tuesday Dec 3rd 8:30-9:40am, Goergen Atrium
Coffee and muffins provided. First years come and get feedback and mentorship on the posters you are presenting that friday!
TBP Weekly Tutoring Session
Sundays 1-3pm, Dewey 2110E
Come and get help on your engineering classes!
Peer advising OH
Tuesday 6-8pm 10/29
Monday 1-2pm 11/04
First floor of Carlson library