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Halloween Goody Glasses - 
Goody Glass Sale = sell little shot glasses (they are really cute), fill the shot glasses with candy

We will be tabling for a week = October 12-16 in Wilson Commons

Breakfast for Dinner at Sig Chi (TBA)

(Pancakes + Eggs + Bacon)

Flower City – the Rochester Habitat for Humanity
Pie fundraiser for thanksgiving

More information to come

Can Collection-
For over a year now, we have been collecting returnable cans for some extra fundraising money. If you have any carbonated beverage (soda, beer, sparkling water, etc) bring them to the meeting or email Brie ( or April ( to arrange a time to pick-up your cans!


2007-2008 FUNDRAISERS:

Cookie Decorating- 
One Saturday in April, we did held a cookie decorating fundraiser in Wilson Commons Hirst Lounge.  We sold two sugar cookies for $3.00 and supplied frosting, sprinkles, and various candies for decoration. All of the supplies were donated by members of the group or Tops. We made a little over $100 for this fundraiser which was tons of fun!

Caribbean Cacti Goody Glasses-
Similar to the Halloween Goody Glasses, we bought cacti glasses from Oriental Trading Company. The glasses were also filled with candy, donated by Tops, and sold for $3.00. Not as successful as the Halloween glasses, we will be looking for a new Spring Fundraiser. We made about $100 during this fundraiser.

Gingerbread House Building Contest - 
The contest was held on December 8th in Hirst Lounge in Wilson Commons. We had 19 groups participating and some pretty awesome houses! Check out pictures by clicking the Pictures link at the top of the page. First prize went to the Lord of the Ring battle replica, while second place went to Rush Rhees Library! 

Halloween Goody Glasses - 
We bought several light-up skeleton and pirate halloween-themed glasses from Oriental Trading. The glasses were filled with candy donated by Wegmans and sold for only $2.00 around Halloween. During this fundraiser we made around $200!! Great job to everyone helping out and thanks for buying them! Look for us again next year! 

Can Collection-
For the past year, we have been collecting returnable cans for some extra fundraising money. If you have any carbonated beverage (soda, beer, sparkling water, etc) bring them to the meeting or email Brie ( or April ( to arrange a time to pick-up your cans!

2006-2007 FUNDRAISERS:

Krispy Kreme Donut Sale --
We were able to work with Krispy Kreme to buy boxes of their doughnuts for a reduced price, and then sell them to students at a higher price in order to make a profit. We were also able to go door-to-door across campus selling the doughnuts, creating a much more personalized approach that brought a good amount of success.

Gingerbread House Building Contest --
Habitat's Gingerbread House Building Contest is a day where the students and faculty of the University of Rochester can join forces to build the gingerbread  house of their dreams. We hold this fun contest every December as a study break before finals. Participants will be judged on their creative ability in making the house, and can choose to make a house individually or in teams. The winner(s) received an ice cream party donated by The Meliora restaurant on campus for all their hard work and effort!

The first raffle, held in February, benefited the Alternative Spring Break break trip. We received donations from URCG, Aja Noodle, Dinosaur Barbeque, Bisque and Brush, and tickets for Gym Class Heroes from the Common Connection. A 50/50 Raffle will be held some time in April in Wilson Common -- come check us out!

Square Foot Project --
To learn more about the Square Foot Project, please click here


Please Submit ANY Ideas
You May Have for a Fundraising Event
Email: Brie Spinetto (



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